On September 1, 2009, Clive Cussler and Grant Blackwood released Spartan Gold. This was the first book in a new series called the Fargo Adventures.
The series follows Sam and Remi Fargo, a husband and wife who are professional treasure hunters that travel the world in search of long-lost and long-hidden treasures, while also trying to solve historical mysteries.
On this page you can find a complete list of the books that make up the Fargo Adventures. The title of each book links to a page for that release where you can find:
- Who it was written with
- When it was released
- A description of the novel
- A link to the story on Amazon
- An image of the book’s front cover
If you’d like to see how these novels fit in with all of Cussler’s other books, you may be interested in our list of his books in order.