November 6, 2007 marked the release of The Chase. This novel by Clive Cussler introduced the world to a new character and thus started the Isaac Bell series.
Although the first story was written solely by Cussler, the rest of the novels in the series have been co-authored.
The Isaac Bell novels are based mainly in the US in the early 1900s. Bell works for the Van Dorn Detective Agency as an investigator, with the series tracking his adventures in pursuing killers, thieves and other criminals.
Below, you can find a complete list of books in this series. The name of each one links to a page for that particular book that contains the following details:
- With whom it was written
- The release date
- A description of the story
- A link to the book on Amazon where you can read reviews and get a copy
- An image of the novel’s front cover
If you’re interested in seeing how this series fits in with all Cussler’s other novels, take a look at our complete chronological list.